We supply one of the Malaysia’s top selling water filter brand products. Call for more info.
We are experienced supplier of water filter industry in Malaysia. Get a free consultation now.
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Filters all the water entering the house, providing clear water to every taps. A complete solution & water safety.
ZeoPlus is naturally occurring mineral rock, found in areas where there has been HISTORIC VOLCANIC activity.
Dual Filtration – Its micro-porous structure has unique properties which will enable it to significantly improve the quality of your water.
A water filter removes impurities by lowering contamination of water using a fine physical barrier, a chemical process, or a biological process. Filters cleanse water to different extents for purposes such as providing agricultural irrigation, accessible drinking water, public and private aquariums, and the safe use of ponds and swimming pools.
Micron W Series filters all the water entering the house, providing clear water to every tap.
Water Filter Product Description
WATERCO MICRON Outdoor Master Water Filter W300 MKII
Micron W300 filter are designed with filter depths of 600mm providing depth filtration and increased dirt retention.
Manufactured from the highest grade of non corrosive Polypropylene (inner tank) materials and employing the latest in fiberglass winding technology, Micron W300 filters are built for many years of trouble free operation.
A Micron W’s innovative design and superior construction techniques provide it the strength to cope with working pressures up to 700kPa.
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